Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Then I found out...

George Harrison died ten years ago today. He was 58 – the same age I am now.



Lark said...

Well he smoked like a chimney, too, which I think you do not? Sorry you can't get the next set of tests done sooner, I know in the 10 minutes between being told something looked funny on my mammogram and being walked down the hall to get the ultrasound and the all clear, well in that TEN MINUTES I wrote my will, roughed out my funeral, and was working on the musical selections. TEN MINUTES. Making you wait five or six weeks is insane. I am hoping it's just some minor little thing that is easily fixed.

patrizia said...

You know, if they're putting off your tests until January, they don't seriously think anything's that wrong with you. Though I know it must be freaking the shit out of you in ways I can't begin to imagine.




mcarp said...

Once again.... thank gopod for The Well.

Anonymous said...

I have known you for 20 years. Why not take this time to live like you were dying and maybe this will be the beginning you have always been looking for.

by the way the captcha word I am being asked to type in to be able to post this is
