Friday, August 18, 2006

If I were a wise man, what would my life be like?

I'm wondering about this a little.

I don't mean a wise man in the biblical sense, but just a guy with some wisdom. And I don't mean, "How would I arrange my life if I were wise?" so much as "How would my life be if I had wisdom?"

Because I'm thinking that were I truly wise, my life would be different because I would make different choices. I wouldn't be thinking, "Oh, here's what a wise man would do." I would just have a different life as a natural result of having wisdom. I wouldn't even see it as a wise man's life –– I would simply have that particular kind of life, and it would be as natural to me as the life I have now, except that I wouldn't find myself questioning my own wisdom for the choices I'd made.

Wise men: I'm thinking of people like Ajahn Chah, DT Suzuki, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama. All four are religious figures. What about secular figures? I can think of a lot of people who are smart, even brilliant, but not necessarily wise.

The wise man, I suppose, would be someone who isn't necessarily successful in the material sense. Maybe he's rather poor. He may not be popular, but he is not widely disliked. He conveys to those who know him a sense of serenity and calm. Maybe his advice is valued, or maybe he doesn't give advice. He's never angry, never manic, always pleasant but not gratingly cheery. He is tolerant and compassionate.

I know people personally who have some of those traits, but no one who has all of them. The monks, teachers and lamas I listed above may not have all those traits, either. I've never met any of them; maybe I've arbitrarily ascribed these traits to them because they're the kind of traits I want a wise man to have.

Maybe the Dalai Lama loses the keys to his minivan, and gets frustrated and rants under his breath while he looks for them under piles of magazines and fast food wrappers. Maybe Thich Nhat Hanh needs to clean the litter box.

Maybe the wise man of which I am thinking doesn't exist, and is just an impossibly perfect fiction.

I am not always the most talkative person in the room, but I'll tell you I usually go home in the evening thinking I've talked too much. I am frustrated at the end of the day at the things I've said which would have been better left unsaid. The wise man probably doesn't speak much.

Do you know a wise man?


Anonymous said...

I think a wise man would always be questioning his own behavior and trying to do better. Maybe you are the wise man for doing so.


Nina said...

"It always pleased the Master to hear people recognize their ignorance.

'Wisdom tends to grow in proportion to one's awareness of one's ignorance,' he claimed.

When asked for an explanation, he said, 'When you come to see you are not as wise today as you thought you were yesterday,
you are wiser today.'"


Anonymous said...

My cat is a wise "man."

I know others, but their names wouldn't mean anything to you.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, there is no such thing. Wise men simply have really good managers, publicists and/or PR teams.