Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A later evening dream

Went back to sleep and dreamt I was watching a TV commercial in which Fred Flintstone and Jack Nicholson were duck hunting or something like it. I'm not sure. It was a younger Jack Nicholson, Five Easy Pieces era or thereabouts. He was wearing a white shirt with a cardigan pullover sweater and slacks. Fred Flintsone was wearing what he always wears.

Jack was upset because Fred was just shooting sort of wildly into the air and was still getting more ducks than Jack, who only had a golf club and no rifle.


Anonymous said...

I'd much prefer dream number 2.

Were you an observer or a participant in your dreams?

Anonymous said...

Ah, I still wish you would find a shrink who does dream analysis. You have the most amazing dreams. I also think doing some of that kind of work would move you way forwards towards getting those depressed monkeys to shut up already.