Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dick Cavett

It may or may not surprise you that I was big fan of The Dick Cavett Show when it was on ABC in the late sixties and early seventies. I'm not sure what other teenagers were watching in 1968 or '69... The Guns of Will Sonnett or The Virginian, I guess. But I was always in front of the tube when Dick Cavett was on.

I mention this after finding, via Atrios, Dick Cavett's blog on the NYT web site. It's mostly reminiscing about his talk show days – not surprisingly, it's heavy on Groucho and Norman Mailer. Here's a link.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dick Cavett? Mike, I think there are more important things to talk about on December YOUR BIRTHDAY! Have a very happy one. Hope it is as good as your holidays have been. Birthdays that end in "5" and "0" are somehow significant. How, I do not know, but they just feel that way. Have a great day.