"The rules are as follows: Devise a list of 5-10 courses you would take to improve your life. It's more fun to be in classes with friends, so include one class from the person who tagged you that you'd also like to take. Tag five other people."
I was tagged by Nina, so the course I would share with her is her number 6: HOW TO DISENGAGE YOURSELF FROM UNPRODUCTIVE BULLSHIT.
This would basically be a refresher course for me.
My other classes:
Teach your cats to clean house. They're just lying around all day, anyway. Couldn't they roll around and pick up some dust bunnies and take them to the litter box?
Teach your cats to change your motor oil. This is an advanced course, only available to those who have completed 'Teach your cats to clean house.'
How to quit griping and love social networking. Thanks for the add.
That only brings me up to four. But it's hard to learn anything when you're practicing don't-know mind.
Nina tagged a lot of the same people I would have tagged, and my blog circle is rather small.
So, Patrizia, privacy-shattered Erika, Mary, Sonja... your turn.
(Mary, it's only coincidence that every blogger mentioned in this post besides me is female.)
Very interesting challenge, MCARP.
I have already gone back to school for my degree so that's one thing on my list that I have done. The only other thing I can do to improve my life would be to get a job and I'm not sure that would make my life better.
I love my life now and I'm the type of person who makes changes easily if I think they will improve what I already have. I'm not afraid of anything because I know all changes are for the better.
I'm sure there is a list about a mile long that other people have for me that would improve me but my list is short.
Get a job.
Work on my commuciation skills.
Do you know any men at all?
Mcarp, please take notes in our class together just in case I need a reminder later.
I am going to join Mike and Nina at their HOW TO DISENGAGE YOURSELF FROM UNPRODUCTIVE BULLSHIT seminar.
I can't tell you how many times I've taken this class. I do really well in the class discussion, and then -- I flunk the final!
Maybe this time will be different.
As to my other exciting class choices, you will just have to tune in tomorrow at Mallory's Camera and find out.
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