Sunday, February 05, 2006

Let me explain what I mean by 'zen'

That word gets thrown around a lot, and even I am not using it correctly.

Here's what I was trying to say in my previous post. There are a zillion things a web designer can do with CSS, and there is always a temptation to use too many of them. My previous design had lots of borders and ten or twelve different colors which were in some instances were almost imperceptibly different from each other. The template had colored backgrounds, floating graphics, color borders. There was so much cool stuff it got in the way of the message.

How cool am I that I know how to do all that? Well, there lies the rub. The point is to communicate, not to display my knowledge.

In fact, one could argue that the previous design demonstrated a lack of understanding, if understanding is defined as insight rather than technical expertise.

A blog is by definition an exercise in self-indulgence, so it's rather difficult to take the 'me' out of the text. But I can at least try to take the 'me' out of the design.

In coming days I may try to streamline the layout even further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, you're one of the few writers on the Well for whom I've ever felt a... for lack of a better word... consanguity.

I'm not actually sure you would enjoy my journal. It might be too baroque for your tastes. But I would take pleasure in the link:

signed, the Well person formerly known as pdil