Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And now on to to more other things

Everyone has seen, I assume, the nude pregnant Britney Spears on the cover of Harper's Bazaar this month.

And if you're like me, you suspect from a first glance that it has been heavily heavily Photoshopped.

But pick it up off the rack, look at it closely, and tell me where. I still think it was Photoshopped, but it's the work of a master. Look at it closely, and you'll see lots of skin texture: freckles, moles, etc. I assume the photo was taken with a large-format camera. But try to find a place where any of it looks wrong -- too smooth, too perfect.

Viewed from a distance, she looks unnaturally good, but looking for the telltale clone-stamping and healing brush up close, I can find nothing.

Compare this to some of her pics in other magazines (cough, cough, People, hrrack, cough), where her teeth and the whites of her eyes have been whitened until she looks like a space alien, and the freckles and scars have been obliterated so her skin looks like the soft plastic of a bathtub toy.

(Ooooh... a soft plastic Britney Spears bathtub toy! Well, since I don't care anything about... that doesn't... well, nothing. Really. Couldn't care, wouldn't care. Not me. Ommmmmm.)

Unknown Photoshop person, I salute you.

Update: I looked at this on a website a few moments ago, and now I think the jawline is a little suspect. But still... I could never even approach what the Pshop person did with this pic.

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