Monday, July 24, 2006

What was that?

I rarely get heartburn. The last time was three years ago, and the time before that was probably fifteen years ago.

But something hit me all of a sudden at a restaurant this evening, and it was so painful I got up and left without dinner, and almost didn't make it to the car. It was a sharp pain, right at the end of my sternum.

Of course, this being me, I went through a whole panic attack over it. I broke out in a cold sweat. Was I having a heart attack? Or was the cold sweat because I had worked myself into a panic over the possibility it was a heart attack?

It didn't spread. My arms didn't tingle or go numb.

It's passed now, so I guess I'm okay.

Heartburn or Heart Attack?


Anonymous said...

Depression/heartburn/heart attack/panic attack/cold sweats...would you please get your booty to the doc anyway, even if just to appease your readers?

Would ya mind?

Anonymous said...

hmmm, does that sound like something I have said..oh let me see 30 times??
Love ya, kiddo.