Friday, July 07, 2006

Depression test results

Now, let's not go leaping to conclusions here.

For example, if someone feels like they're a pointless failure, and they actually are a pointless failure, does that count as depression?

I want more information.

Well, actually I don't want more information. Screw it.


Anonymous said...

you seem happy compared to me. Wonder why that is?

Anonymous said...

It's always seemed to me that much of what we label "depression" is actually spiritual crisis, particularly if you happen to have been brought up in that generation - yours and mine - that was conditioned to think of religion as a form of chicanery.

Yeah, yeah, I know: seratonin imbalance, blah blah, blah.

You don't answer comments, do you?

Anonymous said...

Depression sucks ass.

My last bout, which I’m just now seeing the light of day, put me straight to bed. I felt as if shackled to a force I could not shake. Such a helpless feeling...and all the while knowing that it is depression’s hold on me. My therapist says that our minds are so brilliant at protecting us; however whatever is going on in the mind will be felt in the body.

Still sucks.

In the movie, Travellers and Magicians the monk says, “Urban life is depressing.”

Wonder if depression is rampant in monasteries?