Sunday, July 30, 2006

More war needed

There's a story on Talking Points Memo today about the weekend's events in Lebanon.

Josh Marshall quotes a line from Sunday Jerusalem Post article:

[Israeli]Defense officials told the Post last week that they were receiving indications from the United States that the US would be interested in seeing Israel attack Syria.

and then links to a article containing this quote:

...this is the true surprise - a surprise of statesmen and not of intelligence - of the campaign in the north: no American red light, no flashing orange light, and not even a mere green light, but the blaring siren of the sheriff's car sitting behind the hesitant driver at the intersection urging him to get moving.

As you have no doubt read, the current U.S. position is to oppose a cease fire in Lebanon, because... well, because why? A cease-fire would appear to benefit all sides. Israel is still being hit by Hezbollah rockets, Hezbollah is still being hit by Israeli airstrikes, and Lebanese civilians are still being caught in the crossfire.

And our official position on this is that we're not ready for it to stop.

Marshall, who as a DC current events/politics blogger knows way more about what's going on behind the curtain than me, has his own take on what's really happening, which has to do with what he sees as a 'double or nothing' mentality the administration has toward turning around the mess in the mideast.

But here's something else that caught my attention: the sudden chorus of punditry referring to this as World War III, which it is not now and probably won't become. But the drumbeat is there: World War III. This is World War III.

Here in the US, November elections are looming and GOP prospects look bleak. (Not in Oklahoma, of course - we're still deprogramming ourselves from the notion pounded into us by two generations of Gaylords that grouchy rich white authoritarians rule by divine right.) Two years ago, Republicans 'energized the base' and held onto the White House.

So, my deepest paranoid fear now is that the administration is deliberately trying to spread the war to neighboring states and escalate the bloodshed and death to stir up the premillenialist wingnuts who think all-out war in the mideast will bring the rapture.


Anonymous said...

I'm all for the Rapture. It would clean up Oklahoma City nicely.

Anonymous said...

Alles ist gefickt.

Anonymous said...

If we were really serious about exporting democracy, then it seems we'd welcome the democratic election of Hamas in Gaza and berate the monarchy in Saudi Arabia.

What is going on in Iraq, the same. The Iraqis WANT civil war because the alternative is a Shi'ite majority elected government, likely friendly with the Shi'ites in Iran (Persia). Not only that, but to acquiesce in the current elected government is to accept American hegemony and what nationalist sectarian wants that any more than the Imams?

American foreign policy at present is the most incompetent imaginable. We are against the tide of nationalism, religion, culture and the popular will of the locals.

It isn't blood for oil. Is it?

In a way, I think the Bush Administration is too stupid to cynically trade blood for oil. I think they have just blundered into this without a clue one about the consequences.

It's getting to be World War III, even if it ain't there yet. After all, there is fighting in Kashmir, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran is involved with Hizbollah in Lebanon as is Syria, Iraq's at war, so is Israel and the Palestinian areas. The United States, Britain and Spain have been attacked infamously. NATO troops are in Afghanistan and UN troops are in south Lebanon. Russia is variously fighting "Islamo-fascists" in Chechnya and the various "stans". More NATO troops are in the Balkans, another flashpoint for Arab/Western culture and religion. A secular government is fighting Islamists in Sudan and Ethiopia has militarily intervened. Islamic terrorists are blowing things up in Egypt and Indonesia. Wasn't there a resort like Bali that was bombed?

The World Trade Center, he cynically noted, was the best thing that has happened so far for the Bush Administration. Now, after having the entire nation and the world solidly behind him, Bush has managed to bring American prestige to one of its lowest points in the history of the Republic and divide his countrymen bitterly.

New Dept. of Homeland Security...incompetent
Health Care...incompetent
War in Iraq...incompetent
War on Terrorism...incompetent
Campaign finance...incompetent
War on Drugs...incompetent

His judicial appointments overall have been dismal by any standard of measurement.

It's hard to find an area where it's clear that this administration has competence.
