Monday, July 24, 2006


Years ago, during the final months of my television career, I asked a respected and trusted friend why I was having so much trouble getting along with my boss and a certain group of my coworkers.

I didn't get to say another word in that conversation for about forty minutes as she started describing what she thought were some of my problems and issues, then began releasing a dozen years of her own built-up resentment over things I'd said or done during the time she'd known me, and wrapped up by yelling at me so loudly her voice carried through her door out into the newsroom. She worked herself into a wide-eyed fury describing all the things I had done that annoyed, peeved, offended or angered her.

One of the things she mentioned was that I was sarcastic, demeaning and dismissive of other people.

The truth is I have said some bad things about other people. I have worked harder on that aspect of myself than almost anything else, and I wish I were closer to success than I am. Snarkiness is habitual with me.

If I am the target of harsh criticism, maybe it's just karma coming back around quickly.

I want everyone to feel free to speak their minds here, anonymously or otherwise.

"Write what you know," the maxim says. I know me.

Yes, there are other people worse off than me. I can walk two blocks in any direction from my home and see some. I've mentioned a few of them here. But I can't write about their experience or their feelings because I'm not them. I can empathize with them but I can't be them.

I can write first-hand only about what I know first-hand. I could write more about art and design, but I don't think it would generate much interest. I could write more about computers and software, but there are a thousand blogs on those subjects, many written by people far more knowledgeable than me. Even when I write about Buddhism and Taoism, I'm writing from the perspective of a neophyte who can't even keep all the denominations straight in his mind.

This is the only blog about me. It's a fairly narrow field of interest, but it's the one I know best.

So I'm going to keep writing about me.

We appreciate your support.


Anonymous said...

When you're scared,when in doubt,
Run in circles, scream and shout

Anonymous said...

We like you, Mikey. We really do.

We also like your blog. It's why we read it and comment.

Of course, we're also part of the giant conspiracy of people who snicker about you behind your back at work and elsewhere. We're the ones who want to cash a check for $1.38 ahead of you in line at WalMart and drive slow in the left lane. In fact, we all hate Bill Gates, but we buy Microsoft stuff just to piss you off. And, then we hate you for making us put up with their crap. It was tough to convince people that America was strong enough to endure 8 years of GOP rule and George Bush, but we did that, too, just to see your angst gather. There were droves of women who wanted your booty, but we rounded them up and sent them out of Oklahoma to keep you celibate. Is it working?


Anonymous said...

A little self involved are we? It hurts your reading comprehension. Instead of "Metatopic," the title should be "Myopic."

"Yes, there are other people worse off than me. I can walk two blocks in any direction from my home and see some. I've mentioned a few of them here. But I can't write about their experience or their feelings because I'm not them. I can empathize with them but I can't be them."

I'm sure "mentioning them" has changed their lives. Empathy without action is worthless.

From what I read, no one suggested you stop writing about yourself & no one said you must write about other people. Lots of Blogs are about personal experience, but few I've read are as much of an emotional black hole that offers little insight except that Mike has found some chicks who like him to be impotent so they can console him. It seems that Mike is so into his angst that he hasn't noticed yet.

I think it is kinda creepy but also funny, so sometimes I read. Its called "Schadenfreude" for a stranger. I have no actual ill will, I just can't believe how you are so morose & self involved and that you have a few enablers that like you that way...

Several people have said you should put yourself out just a bit & HELP (do something real) for other people who have less than you. It is a way of being of value to others. And a way to get OUT of yourself.

You know who the others are don't you? They are the faceless drones who won't do what you want & have their own lives.

Anonymous said...

I could go on endlessly about the difference between "blogs" and "journals". I prefer journals -- people's lives are always more interesting to me than their opinions.

I think what you're keeping here is a journal.

Anonymous said...

Hey, write a blog about ME.

I'd do it myself, but I got a boring life, over here.

Feel free to fictionalize. In fact, it'll be neccesary if you want to make it readable.

My one request: make it appear as if I possess at least one "super power."

For instance, the ability to change onions into garlic, or vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh wow…does this mean all us chicks are Mikey enabler groupies?

Oh goodie!

May I be an officer of your fan club? Can I, huh? Can I?

Reach beyond yourself and help me help you by making me an officer of the group!

Pick Me! Pick ME!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this blog, but must say to Mike, "You seem like a nice guy." Of course, I like snarky people.

I like that you focus on yourself. We all should evaluate our strengths and opportunities for improvement at regular intervals. Your blog should be like bran for your internal well-being.

My wife doesn't like me to join groups that don't revolve around worshipping her, but Nina seems like a great candidate for president of your "enabler group." She and the group can help you beat up on yourself when you just don't feel up to the task.

Anonymous said...

I'll collect and budget the dues.

--Dayna Lucky Dempsey, CPA, M.Ed.